Dr. M. Shahidul Islam
BSc (Honours) and MSc in Biochemistry, PhD (Okayama, Japan)Postdoctoral Fellow (Seoul, South Korea & North-West, South Africa)
Senior Lecturer of Biochemistry (Westville Campus)
Block F3, Level 4, Room 014, Durban 4000
TEL: +27 31 260 8717, FAX: +27 31 260 7942
Lead Guest Editor: Experimental Diabetes Research
Member of the Editorial Board, Frontiers in Experimental Pharmacology & Drug Discovery
Member, Diabetes South Africa (DSA)
Member, Nutrition Society South Africa (NSSA)
Life Member, Graduate Biochemist Association (GBA), Bangladesh
Life Member, Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Temporary Member, Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science (JALAS)
Member, Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, South Africa (SEMDSA)
Animal models in biomedical research are very common when rats are the first choice of use because of their tranquil behaviour, omnivorous nature, relatively better body size and wider availability. However, the major difference between human and rat gastrointestinal tract is, rat has a large voluminous cecum when human has no distinct cecum. Because of this anatomical difference, physiological or nutritional effects of indigestible but fermentable materials are not similar between humans and rats. The aim of my pioneer level research was to develop a novel model of cecectomized rats via a sophisticated surgical procedure. This research has also investigated the physiological and nutritional effects of two fermentable materials (sorbitol and lactitol), widely used as sugar substitute, in this newly developed model of cecectomized rat. My further research has been expanded to prevent the fermentable material based osmotic diarrhoea and its mechanism of prevention by dietary means. However, since last several years my research has been focusing the development of novel animal model of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and the prevention or amelioration of type 2 diabetes related abnormalities via various intervention trials. T2D is a major threat to global public health and at least 177 million people worldwide have diabetes, and this figure is likely to double by 2030. Out of the two major type of diabetes, type 2 is the most prevalent one, accounting for more than 90% all diabetic cases. T2D is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by a progressive decline in insulin action (insulin resistance), followed by the inability of β-cells to compensate for insulin resistance (pancreatic β-cell dysfunction). In vivo oxidative stress is considered as one of the major causes of insulin resistance as well as pancreatic beta cell dysfunction followed by T2D. There are numerous natural products, functional and medicinal foods and medicinal plants which have potent anti-oxidative properties. My recent and current researches focusing the development of non-genetic animal model of diabetes and investigating the anti-diabetic effects of several functional and medicinal foods and medicinal plant extracts/ materials, artificial sweeteners and their mechanism of action in this experimentally induced animal model of T2D.
- Rahman MA and Islam MS (2013)Prospects, paradigms and drawback of current research on herbal medicines. In: Traditional and Folk Herbal Medicines: Recent Researches, Vol. 2, M/S Daya Publication House, New Delhi, INDIA [in press, accepted on 18 September, 2012].
- Ibrahim MA and Islam MS (2013) Biological Activities, Phytochemistry and Industrial Potentials of Khaya senegalansis (Meliaceae) A. Juss: A Review, In: Medicinal Plants: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Vol. 3, M/S Daya Publication House, New Delhi, INDIA [in press, accepted on 18 September, 2012].
- Islam MS and Wilson RD (2012) Experimentally induced rodent models of type 2 diabetes, In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Editor: Prof. Hans-George Joost, Human Press, New York, USA. Volume: 933, Page: 161 – 174. [Pubmed]
- Rahman MA, Imran TB, Islam MS (2013) Antioxidative, antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects of the phenolics of Leea indica leaf extract. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences [in press, Published online on 20 December, 2012].
- Rahman MA, Azad AK, Ahmed NU, Islam MS (2013) Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Crinum asiaticum leaf alcoholic extract in animal models. African Journal of Biotechnology [in press, accepted on 20 November, 2012].
- Ibrahim MA, Koorbanally NA, Islam MS (2013) In vitro anti-oxidative activities and GC-MS analysis of various solvent extracts of Cassia singueana parts. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica [in press, accepted on 31 October, 2012]
- Kipilimo JJ, Islam MS, Koorbanally NA (2012) Ring A-seco Limonoids and flavonoids from the Kenyan Vepris uguenensis Engl. and their antioxidant activity. Phytochemistry 83: 136-143. [Pubmed]
- Rahman MA, Chakma JS, Islam MN, Islam MS (2012) Essential oil of Clausena suffruticos leaf shows and outstanding antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic effect. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 11(5): 739 – 746. [Journal Website]
- Islam MS (2012) Xylitol increases serum triglyceride in normal but not in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. Journal of Medicinal Food 15 (8): 677 – 677. [Pubmed]
- Rahman MA, Akter N, Rashid MH, Ahmed NU, Uddin MN, Islam MS (2012) Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of whole Ageratum conyzoides and Emilia sonchifolia alcoholic extracts in animal models. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6(20): 1469 – 1476. [Journal Website]
- Islam MS and Indrajit M (2012) Effects of xylitol on blood glucose, glucose tolerance, serum insulin and lipid profile in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 61(1): 57 – 64. [Pubmed]
- Nizami AN, Rahman MA, Ahmed NU, Islam MS (2012) Whole Leea macrophylla ethanolic extract normalizes kidney deposits and recovers renal impairments in an ethylene glycol-induced urolithiasis model of rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 5(7): 533 – 538. [Pubmed]
- Ibrahim MA, Koorbanally NA, Kiplimo JJ, Islam MS (2012) Anti-oxidative activities of the various extracts of stem bark, root and leaves of Ziziphus mucronata (Rhamnaceae) in vitro. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 6(25): 4176 – 4184. [Journal Website]
- Wilson RD and Islam MS (2012) Fructose-fed streptozotocin-injected rats: An alternative model for type 2 diabetes. Pharmacological Reports 64(1): 129 - 139. [Pubmed]
- Sakaguchi E, Matsuzawa K, Komine A, Islam MS (2011) Comparative effects of soluble dietary fibers and indigestible oligosaccharides on cecal fermentation and lipid metabolism in rats. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 26 (Suppl. 5): 193-194. [Journal Website]
- Kiplimo JJ, Islam MS, Koorbanally NA (2011) A novel flavonoid and furoquinoline alkaloid from Vepris glomerata and their antioxidant activity. Natural Product Communications 6 (12): 1847 – 1850. [Pubmed]
- Islam MS (2011) Effects of the aqueous extracts of white tea (Camellia sinensis) in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes model of rats. Phytomedicine 19 (1): 25-31. [Pubmed]
- Loots DT, Pieters M, Islam MS, Botes L (2011) Antidiabetic effects of Aloe ferox and Aloe greatheadii ver. Davyana leaf gel extracts in streptozotocin type 2 diabetes rat model. South African Journal of Science 107 (7/8): 532 - 537. [Journal Website]
- Islam MS (2011) Effects of xylitol as a sugar substitute on diabetes related parameters in non-diabetic rats. Journal of Medicinal Food 14(5): 505-511. [Pubmed]
- Islam MS (2011) Fasting blood glucose and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 91 (1): e26 - e26. [Pubmed] or [Scienc Direct]
- Islam MS and Naidoo P (2010) Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) anti-diabetic or diabetogenic: A dose-response study. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 1(Suppl-1): 69-70.
- Islam MS and Jainarain K (2010) Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) anti-diabetic or diabetogenic: A dose-response study. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 1(Suppl-1): 69-69.
- Nishiyama A, Nishioka S, Islam MS, Sakaguchi E (2009) Mannitol lowers fat digestibility and body fat accumulation in both normal and cecectomized rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 55 (3): 242-251. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Loots DT (2009) Experimental rodent models of type 2 diabetes: A review. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 31 (4):249 – 261. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Choi H (2009) Anti-diabetic effects of Korean traditional Baechu (Chinese cabbage) Kimchi in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. Journal of Medicinal Food 12 (2): 292-297. [PubMed]
- Islam MS, and Choi H (2008) Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.) does not improve glucose tolerance, serum insulin, or blood lipid profiles in a rat model of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Food Science 73 (9): H213 – 217. [PubMed]
- Islam MS, Choi H, and Loots DT (2008) Effects of dietary onion (Allium cepa L.) in a high-fat diet streptozotocin-induced diabetes rodent model. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 53 (1): 6 - 12. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Choi H (2008) Dietary red chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is insulinotropic rather than hypoglycemic in type 2 diabetes model of rats. Phytotherapy Research 22 (8): 1025 -1029. [PubMed]
- Islam MS, Loots DT, and Choi H (2008) Higher dietary fat impairs anti-diabetic effects of onion (Allium cepa L.) in rats. Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society 51 (Suppl-1): S227.
- Islam MS and Choi H (2008) Dietary red chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is insulinotropic rather than hypoglycemic in type 2 diabetes model of rats. Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society 51 (Suppl-1): S343.
- Islam MS and Choi H (2008) Comparative effects of dietary ginger (Gingiber officinale) and garlic (Allium sativum) investigated in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. Journal of Medicinal Food 11 (1): 152 -159. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Loots DT (2007) Diabetes, metallothionein, and zinc interactions: a review. Biofactors 29 (4): 203-212. [PubMed]
- Islam MS, Nishiyama A, Sakaguchi E (2007) Effects of sorbitol and lactitol on nutrients metabolism in cecectomized and normal rats. Japanese Journal of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition 41 (3): 19.
- Islam MS, Nishiyama A, Sakaguchi E (2007) Sorbitol and lactitol reduce body fat and toxic ammonia levels in rats. Nutrition Research 27 (7): 440-447. [Science Direct]
- Islam MS, Nishiyama A, Sakaguchi E (2007) Effects of sorbitol and lactitol on the metabolism of nitrogen and fat in cecectomized and normal rats. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 51 (Suppl 1): 151-151. [Journal Website]
- Islam MS and Choi H (2007) Green tea, anti-diabetic or diabetogenic: a dose response study. Biofactors 29 (1): 45-53. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Choi H (2007) Non-genetic model of type 2 diabetes: a comparative study. Pharmacology 79 (4): 243-249. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Choi H (2006) Non-genetic model of type 2 diabetes: a comparative study. Diabetic Medicine 23(Suppl 4): 491.
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2006) Sorbitol-based osmotic diarrhea: possible causes and mechanism of prevention investigated in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology 12 (47): 7635-7641. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2006) Sorbitol-based osmotic diarrhea: possible cause and mechanism of prevention investigated in rats. J Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (S6): A494.
- Islam MS, Nishiyama A Sakaguchi E (2005) Rice gruel and rice starch reduce sorbitol-induced diarrhea in cecectomized rats. Digestion 72 (1): 13-21. [PubMed]
- Islam MS, Sakaguchi E, Kashima N and Hoshi S (2004) Effect of sugar alcohols on gut function and body composition in normal and cecectomized rats. Experimental Animals 53 (4):361-371. [PubMed]
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2004) Effect of sugar alcohol on digesta transit and nutrient metabolism in cecectomized and normal rats. Experimental Animals 53 (3): S33.
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2004) Rice gruel and rice starch reduced diarrhea induced by sorbitol feeding in cecectomized rats. Gut 53 (Suppl VI): A194.
- Uddin MA, Amin A, Ahmed S, Islam MS, Aziz M, Hossain MS, Chowdhury N, Biswas K, Hossain MA, Gomosta AR (1998) Some biochemical and physiological aspects of submergence tolerance in local Bangladeshi rice variance. Bangladesh Journal of Biochemistry 4 (1&2): 99.
- Islam MS (2004) Studies on the nutritional and physiological effects of sugar alcohols in cecectomized rats. PhD Thesis. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Japan. Supervisor: Prof. Ei Sakaguchi, Ph.D.
- Islam MS (1999) Studies on the correlation between submergence tolerance and anaerobic glycolysis in some high yielding and local rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties of Bangladesh. MSc Thesis. Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Supervisor: Professor M. Anwar Hossain, Ph.D.
- Islam MS and Rahman MA (2012) Effects of xylitol in a type 2 diabetes model of rats: A dose-response study. The 7th IDF-WPR and 4th AASD Meeting, 24 – 27 November, 2012, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, JAPAN.
- Islam MS and Mitesh Indrajit (2012) Anti-diabetic effects of xylitol as a sugar substitute in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS), 17 – 19 May, 2012, Pacifico Yokohama International Convention Center, Yokohama, JAPAN.
- Islam MS (2011) Anti-diabetic effects of the aqueous extract of white tea (Camellia sinensis) in a streptozotocin-induced diabetes model of rats. The 21st World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 4 – 8 December, 2011, Dubai International Convention Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- Islam MS (2011) Effects of xylitol as a sugar substitute on diabetes related parameters in non-diabetic rats. The 21st World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 4 – 8 December, 2011, Dubai International Convention Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- Wilson RD and Islam MS (2011) Fructose-fed streptozotocin-injected rats: An alternative model for type 2 diabetes. The 21st World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 4 – 8 December, 2011, Dubai International Convention Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
- Sakaguchi E, Matsuzawa K, Komine A and Islam MS (2011) Comparative effects of soluble dietary fibers and indigestible oligosaccharides on cecal fermentation and lipid metabolism in rats. The Asia Pacific Digestive Week (APDW), 2011, 1-4 October, 2011, SUNTEC International Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore City, Singapore.
- Islam MS and Jainarain K (2010) Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) is not anti-diabetic but diabetogenic in a type 1 diabetes model of rats. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society, 27-29 May, 2010, Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan.
- Islam MS and Naidoo P (2010) Effects of Honeybush tea (Cyclopia intermedia) in a streptozotocin-induced diabetes model of rats. The 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD), 28-29 May, 2010, Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan.
- Islam MS and Jainarain K (2010) Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) anti-diabetic or diabetogenic: a dose response study. The 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD), 28-29 May, 2010, Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan.
- Islam MS (2009) Effects of Ramadan fasting on some risk factors of type 2 diabetes in Indian origin adult Muslims living in the North-West province of South Africa. The 20th World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF). 18-22 October, 2009, Palais de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
- Islam MS and Choi H (2009) Anti-diabetic effect of Korean traditional Baechu (Chinese cabbage) kimchi in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. The 20th World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF). 18-22 October, 2009, Palais de Montreal, Montreal, Canada and the 52nd Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society. May 21-24, 2008, Osaka International Convention Center (OICC), Osaka Japan. (I have been awarded TRAVEL GRANT to present this abstract).
- Islam MS and Choi H (2008) Dietary red-chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is insulinotropic rather than hypoglycemic in type 2 diabetes model of rats. The 51st Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society. May 22-24, 2008, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. (I have been awarded TRAVEL GRANT to present this abstract).
- Islam MS and Choi H (2008) Higher dietary fat impairs anti-diabetic effects of onion (Allium cepa L.) in rats. The 51st Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society. May 22-24, 2008, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. (I have been awarded TRAVEL GRANT to present this abstract).
- Islam MS, Nishiyama A, Sakaguchi E (2007) Effects of sorbitol and lactitol on nutrients metabolism in normal and cecectomized rats. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (JSMN), Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. (I have been awarded a FULL GRANT to live and present this abstract in the congress).
- Islam MS and Choi H (2007) Effects of Korean Traditional Baechu (Chinese cabbage) Kimchi and its ingredients on glycemic control in a type II diabetes model of rats. The 21st Pacific Science Congress, 12-18 June, 2007, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. (I have been awarded an YOUNG SCIENTIST SUPPORT to live and present this abstract in the congress).
- Islam MS and Choi H (2007) Green tea, anti-diabetic or diabetogenic: a dose response study. The 21st Pacific Science Congress, 12-18 June, 2007, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. (I have been awarded an YOUNG SCIENTIST SUPPORT to live and present this abstract in the congress).
- Islam MS and Choi H (2006) Non-genetic model of type 2 diabetes: a comparative study. The 19th World Diabetes Congress organized by International Diabetes Federation (IDF). 3-7 December, 2006, Cape Town International Convention Center (CICC), Cape Town, South Africa. (I have been awarded a FULL GRANT to live and present this abstract in the congress)
- Islam MS and Choi H (2006) Model of type 2 diabetes: what should we consider? The 49th Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society. May 25-27, 2006, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. (This abstract has been accepted for both Oral and Poster presentation and I have been awarded TRAVEL GRANT to present this abstract).
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2004) Rice gruel and rice starch reduced diarrhea induced by sorbitol feeding in cecectomized rats. The 12th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW). September 25-29, 2004. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2004) Effect of sugar alcohol on digesta transit and nutrient metabolism in cecectomized and normal rats. The 51st annual meeting of the Japanese association for laboratory animal sciences (JALAS). The 38th conference of the Japanese association for laboratory animal science and technology (JAEAT). The 1st congress of the Asian federation of laboratory animal science (AFLAS). May 20-22, 2004. Nagasaki, Japan.
- Islam MS and Sakaguchi E (2003) Effect of sorbitol and lactitol on digesta retention and metabolism of fat and nitrogen in normal and cecectomized rats when supplied with yeast (bread yeast) containing diets. The 36th regional conference of the food and nutrition society, Chugoku-Shikoku, Japan. November 15-16, 2003. Yamaguchi, Japan.
- Islam MS, Sakaguchi E, Kashima N and Hoshi S (2002) Effect of sorbitol and lactitol on digesta retention and gut fermentation in normal and cecectomized rats.The 35th regional conference of the food and nutrition society, Chugoku-Shikoku, Japan. November 23-24, 2002. Kochi, Japan.
- Uddin MA, Amin A, Ahmed S, Islam MS, Aziz M, Hossain MS, Chowdhury N, Biswas K, Hossain MA, Gomosta AR (1998) Some biochemical and physiological aspects of submergence tolerance in local Bangladeshi rice variance. Bangladesh Biochemical Society Annual Symposium. January 29, 2000. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- South African Sugar Association (SASA) Nutrition Research Grant, 2013, South African Sugar Association (SASA), Mount Edgecombe, Durban, South Africa. [Value of ZAR45 000].
- Competitive Conference Grant from Faculty, 2011, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4000, South Africa. [Value of ZAR13 000].
- Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH) Foundation Travel Grant, 2011, to present my research report in the Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW) 2011, 1 – 4 October, 2011; SUNTEC Singapore, International Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore. [Value of USD1 500].
- Competitive Research Grant, 2011 [2nd Phase], Research Support Office, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus), Durban 4000, South Africa. [Value of ZAR310 000].
- Incentive Grant for Rated Researcher, 2010 - 2015, KFD – Knowledge Field Development. The National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria and the Research Office, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. [Value of ZAR200 000].
- Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC): Travel Grant, 2011, National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria, South Africa to present research report in an international conference. [Value of ZAR15 000].
- Grant Support for Women and Young Researcher, 2011/2012 – The National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria, South Africa. [Value of ZAR300 000]
- Incentive Grant for Rated Researcher, 2010, KFD – Knowledge Field Development. The National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria and the Research Office, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. [Value of ZAR28 000]
- Travel Support, 2010, The Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD) to present research report in The 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD), 28-29 May, 2010; Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan. [Value of JPY50 000]
- NRF Research Grant for 2010: KFD - Society, Ecosystem and Change (SeaChange), National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria, South Africa. [Value of R5 000].
- Research and Development Equipment (RDE) Grant – 2009, Research Support Office, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus), Durban 4000, South Africa. [Value of R225 720]
- NRF Y2 rating, 2009, Rated by National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa. Y Rating scale: Young researchers (normally younger than 35 years of age), who have held the doctorate or equivalent qualification for less than five years at the time of application, and who are recognized as having the potential to establish themselves as researchers within a five-year period after evaluation, based on their performance and productivity as researchers during their doctoral studies and/or early post-doctoral careers.
- Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC): Travel Grant, 2009, National Research Foundation (NRF), Pretoria, South Africa. [Value of ZAR25 000].
- Competitive Conference Grant from Faculty, 2009, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4000, South Africa. [Value of ZAR10 000].
- Competitive Research Grant, 2009, Research Support Office, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus), Durban 4000, South Africa. [Value of ZAR50 000]
- Travel Grant, 2009, Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) to present research report in The 52nd Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society, 21-24 May, 2009; Osaka International Convention Center (OICC), Osaka, Japan. [Value of JPY100 000]
- Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2009, My professional biography has been nominated as one of the most accomplished scientist in the field of Medicine and Healthcare in all over the world to publish in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Medicine and Healthcare 2009. 890, Mountain Ave., Suite 4, New Providence, N.J. 07974, USA.
- Travel Grant, 2008, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa to attend an overseas congress during April – December, 2008. [Value of ZAR10 000]
- Travel Grant, 2008, Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) to present research report in The 51st Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society, 22-24 May, 2008; Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. [Value of JPY100 000]
- Full Grant, 2007, The Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (JSMN) to live and present research report in the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition, 10-11 July, 2007, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. [Value of JPY200 000]
- Young Scientist Support (YSS), 2007, Pacific Science Association (PSA) to live and present research report in the 21s t Pacific Science Congress, 12-18 June, 2007, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. [Value of JPY200 000]
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2006, North-West University, South Africa (November 2006 – October 2008) to do research in the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa. [Value of R250 000]
- Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2007; My professional biography has been published in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2007 as one of the most accomplished person in all over the world. 890, Mountain Ave., Suite 4, New Providence, N.J. 07974, USA.
- Full Grant, 2006, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to live and present research report in The19th World Diabetes Congress, 3-7 December, 2006; Cape Town, South Africa. [Value or EUR1 250]
- Travel Grant, 2006, Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) to present research report in The 49th Annual Meeting of Japan Diabetes Society, 25-27 May, 2006; Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. [Value of JPY100 000]
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2005, The Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea (July 2005 - July 2006) to do research in the Department of Food and Nutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. [Value of KW156 00 000]
- Monbukagakusho Scholarship, 2001, Japanese Government, Japan (October 2001 – September 2004) during PhD course studying in the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Japan. [Value of JPY6 678 000]
18 - 21 April, 2013 [Prospective]
The Annual Meeting of the Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (SEMDSA), and Lipid and Atherosclerosis Society South Africa (LASSA),
Wanderers Club, Illovo, Johannesburg, South Africa.
30 September - 04 October, 2012
The 24th Congress of Nutrition Society South Africa, 12th Congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa and the 5th African Nutrition Epidemiology Conference on the theme of “Transforming the Nutrition Landscape in Africa”,
University of Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
22 - 25 August, 2012
The 7th EASD/ ADA/ IDF Advanced Clinical Postgraduate Course in the Management of Diabetes and its Complications Organized by IDF-Africa, Spier Wine Estate
Stellenbosch, South Africa
18 - 19 August, 2011
A two-day workshop on Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Assessment organized by the Faculty of Management Studies, Training Room 2, Graduate School of Business(GSB), University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)
Durban, South Africa
04 - 12 February, 2011
A Comprehensive course on Basic Biostatistics and SPSS for Medical and Health Science Researchers organized by The Programme of Biostatistics, Research Ethics and Medical Law under the College of Health Science at LAN 9, Shepstone Building, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard College Campus)
Durban, South Africa
06 December, 2010
Half-a-day-long Workshop entitled “Exploring Budgeting: A Costing Workshop” organized by Research Office at Lecture Theatre 1, Graduate School of Business (GSB), University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus). Durban, South Africa.
28-29 October, 2010
Two-day-long Workshop on Postgraduate Supervision organized by Research Office at Telematics Board Room, Govan Mbeki Building, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)
Durban, South Africa
28-30 July, 2010
The Traditional Medicine Conference entitled “Traditional Medicine in t he Era of HIV/ AIDS” organized by the University of KwaZulu-Natal in partnership with the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government and South Africa National AIDS Council Durban International Convention Center
Durban, South Africa.
28 October, 2009
Day-long Workshop on Curriculum Development organized by the School of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology (SBGM), Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Room # 252, Rabie Saunders Building, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermartizburg Campus)
Pietersmaritzburg, South Africa
9 September, 2009
Half-day Workshop on Basics of Postgraduate Supervision organized by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, College of Science and Engineering
Lieb du Toit Council Chamber (Pietermartizburg Campus)
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Pietersmaritzburg, South Africa
30 July, 2009
Day-long workshop on Basic Principles of Teaching organized by the Department of Medical Education under the Staff Development Program.
SUSSER & STEIN SEMINER ROOM (1st Floor)Nelson Mandela School of Medicine
University of KwaZulu-Natal (Medical School Campus)
Durban, South Africa
08 April, 2009
Day-long workshop on Performance Management Training organized by the Division of Human Resource Management and Training
GSB Building (1st Floor), University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)
Durban, South Africa
28 January, 2009
Day-long workshop on Teaching and Learning Methodology entitled “Assessment: Why, What and How?” organized by the Science Education Research Group (SERG) University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Lieb du Toit Council Chamber (Pietermartizburg Campus)
Pietersmaritzburg, South Africa
13-16 August, 2008
The 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescents Diabetes (ISPAD) on “Advancing Diabetes Care”
Durban International Convention Center
Durban, South Africa.
27 June, 2008
Mini symposium on “Metabolic Syndrome: The Neglected Epidemic” organized by the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA), North-West Province.
Lecture room 247, Building G16
North-West University
Potchefstroom, South Africa
20 September, 2007
Mini symposium on “Probiotics: Better Health from Good Bacteria” organized by the northern branch of the Nutrition Society of South Africa (NSSA).
Besembos Auditorium, Ferdinand Postma Library
North-West University
Potchefstroom, South Africa
14 March, 2007
Mini symposium on “Nutrition Research: Pearls and Practice” organized by the northern branch of the Nutrition Society of South Africa (NSSA)
Auditorium 100, Vaal University of Technology
Vanderbijle Park, South Africa
15 February, 2007
Workshop on “Information for Masters and PhD Studies”
Senate Hall, North-West University
Potchefstroom, South Africa
3 - 8 July, 2006
The Sound of Asia. Mizy Asia Youth Camp, 2006 on “Environmental Problems in Asia”. Sponsored by UNICEF and organized by MIZY.
Jeju Island, South Korea.
11-12 November, 2005
The 13th Korea-Japan Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus entitled “Perspectives of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome”
Convention Hall, Grand Hilton Hotel
Seoul, South Korea
28 October 2005
The 2nd Hallym-Columbia-Weill Cornell International Symposium on “Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome”
Crystal ballroom, Lotte Hotel
Seoul, South Korea
8 October 2005
Day-long Symposium on “Achieving Nutritional Well-being through Community Nutrition”
Faculty Club, Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea
14 July 2005
Day-long Symposium on “Health Promoting Effect of Antioxidative Phytochemicals”
Auditorium, Center for Agricultural Biomaterials Laboratory Sciences (CALS)
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea.
26 August 2005
Day-long workshop on “Practice Method of Animal Testing”
Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR)
College of Veterinary Medicine
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea
24 August, 2004
Day-long Workshop, Fujiwara Techno-art Co. Ltd., 2827-3 Tomiyoshi
Okayama City, Japan, and
CORETEC Inc., 500 Akahama, Soja City
Okayama Prefecture, Japan.
02 August, 2002
Day-long Workshop, Meiwa Seishi Genryo Co. Ltd.”
1-20-26 Aoe
Okayama City, Japan and
“RIPRO Co. Ltd.”, 1186 Nakune
Okayama City, Japan.
- Reviewer, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Published by Elsevier Scientific and Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, since June, 2012.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Molecular Science, Published by MDPI Publisher, Postfach, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland, since December, 2011.
- Reviewer, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Published by Elsevier Scientific and Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, since June, 2010.
- Reviewer, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Published by the Taylor and Francis Publishers Limited, UK, since December 2009.
- Reviewer, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Published by the Wiley Interscience Scientific and Academic Publishers Limited, UK, since July 2009.
- Reviewer, Journal of Food Science, Published by the International Society for Food Science and Technology (IFT), Chicago, USA, since June 2009.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Published by Academic Journals Publisher, since May 2009.
- Member, Faculty Board Committee, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, since January 2009.
- Reviewer, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Published by Elsevier Scientific and Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, since December 2008.
- Reviewer, British Journal of Nutrition, Published by CBS Scientific and Academic Publisher on behalf of Nutrition Society, UK, since October 2008.
- Reviewer, International Journal of Experimental Pathology, Published by Blackwell Scientific and Academic Publisher, UK, since October 2008.
- Reviewer, Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, OXFORD JOURNAL, Published by The Oxford University Press, UK, since August 2008.
- Reviewer, Acta Diabetologica, The Springer Scientific and Academic Publishers Limited, Germany, since August 2008.
- Reviewer, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Ingenta Connect Publications Limited, The United Kingdom, since February 2008.
- Reviewer, Nutrition Research, Elsevier Academic and Scientific Publishers Limited, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, since January 2008.
- Reviewer, Life Science, Elsevier Academic and Scientific Publishers Limited, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, since February 2007.
Currently, I am supervising the research projects of following students who are working for postgraduate degrees in Biochemistry as follows:
1. Name : Aminu Mohammed
Student ID : 212562498
Enrolled for : PhD in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January 2013 – Present.
Research Project : Studies on the anti-oxidative and anti-diabetic effects of some food supplements in
vitro and in vivo.
2. Name : Auwal Mohammed Ibrahim
Student ID : 211665511
Enrolled for : PhD in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January 2011 – Present.
Research Project : Studies on the anti-oxidative and anti-diabetic effects and the mechanisms of action
of some Nigerian medicinal plant extracts in vitro and in vivo.
Masters (MSc)
3. Name : Praglathan Naidoo
Student ID : 204009146
Enrolled for : MSc in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2012 – Present.
Research Project : Development of a novel non-genetic animal model of non-obese type 2 diabetes.
4. Name : Talent Chipiti
Student ID : 212559844
Enrolled for : MSc in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2012 – Present.
Research Project : An investigation on the anti-diabetic effects of plants used for the management of
diabetes in Merwa district, Zimbabwe.
5. Name : Siphiwe Dlamini
Student ID : 208524703
Enrolled for : MSc in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January 2013 – Present.
Research Project : Development of a novel non-genetic animal model of type 2 diabetes
6. Name : Chika Chukwuma
Student ID : 212522184
Enrolled for : MSc in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2013 – Present.
Research Project : Studies on the mechanisms of actions of the anti-diabetic effects of xylitol in a type 2
diabetes model of rats.
BSc (Honors)
7. Name : Nondumiso Properity Mbambo
Student ID : 209538730
Enrolled for : BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2013 – Present.
Research Project : Studies on the anti-diabetic effects of some widely used artificial sweeteners in a
type 2 diabetes model of rats.
Postdoctoral (Postdoc)
1. Name : Sunday Oyewole Oyedemi, PhD
Student ID : 212561881
Enrolled for : Post-doctorate in Biochemistry
Supervision period : July 2012 – August 2012
Research Project : Effects of artificial sweeteners in normal and a type 2 diabetes model of rats
2. Name : Md. Atiar Rahman, PhD
Student ID : 211560713
Enrolled for : Post-doctorate in Biochemistry
Supervision period : August 2011 – July 2012.
Research Project : Comparative and Combined Anti-diabetic Effects of the Total Phenolics from
Fenugreek (Trigonilla foenum-graecum) and Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) in a Type
2 Diabetes Model of Rats.
Achievements : So far he has published one book chapter and 5 original research articles in the
international peer reviewed journals. Some of his works currently in submission as
Masters (MSc)
3. Name : Rachel Wilson
Student ID : 206514234
Enrolled for : Master of Science in Biochemistry (cum Laude)
Supervision period : January, 2010 – December, 2011.
Research Project : Development of an alternative animal model of type 2 diabetes
Achievements : (1) Awarded best prize on school research day presentation in 2010.
(2) Awarded full grant to present her research results in the 21st World Diabetes
Congress, 4-8 December, 2011, Dubai International Convention Center, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates (UAE).
(3) Her research data is accepted for publication in an international journal.
BSc (Honors)
4. Name : Chika Chukwuma
Student ID : 212522184
Enrolled for : BSc Honours in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2012 – December 2012
Research Project : Effects of xylitol on in vivo anti-oxidative status in a normal and type 2 diabetes
model of rats.
5. Name : Kieara-Lee Ramtahal
Student ID : 208503913
Enrolled for : BSc honours in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2012 – December 2012
Research Project : In vivo anti-oxidative effects of white tea (Camellia sinensis) in a
streptozotocin-induced diabetes model of rats.
6. Name : Nirosha Gokul
Student ID : 208501446
Enrolled for : BSc Honours in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2012 – December 2012
Research Project : Studies on the underlying mechanism of the induction type 2 diabetes by feeding
fructose and streptozotocin injection in rats.
7. Name : Mitesh Indrajit
Student ID : 206509973
Enrolled for : BSc honors in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2011 – December, 2011.
Research Project : Studies on the anti-diabetic effects of xylitol in a type 2 diabetes model of rats
Achievements : He has published one original research article in the international journal.
8. Name : Andrew Mukundwa
Student ID : 207527477
Enrolled for : BSc honors in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2010 – December, 2010.
Research Project : Studies on the anti-oxidative effects of the various extracts of White tea (Camellia
sinensis) in vitro.
9. Name : Praglathan Naidoo
Student ID : 204009146
Enrolled for : BSc honors degree in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2009 – December, 2009.
Research Project : Studies on the effects of Honeybush tea (Cyclopia intermedia) in a
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes model of rats
10. Name : Kaminee Jainarain
Student ID : 205505266
Enrolled for : BSc honors degree in Biochemistry
Supervision period : January, 2009 – December, 2009.
Research project : Studies on the effects of Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) in a
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes model of rats. (Last updated 23 March, 2013)