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Welcome to the School of Biochemistry, Genetics & Microbiology
We are part of the University Of KwaZulu-Natal, Faculty of Science & Agriculture at the College of Agriculture, Engineering & Science. This comprises the ten Schools of:
Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness; Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology and Plant Pathology; Biological and Conservation Sciences; Chemistry; Computer Science; Environmental Sciences; Geological Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physics; and Statistics and Actuarial Science.
Our School includes the Pietermaritzburg Campus & Westville Campus
Pietermaritzburg Campus
Private Bag X01
Telephone +27(0)33-2605183 Facsimile +27(0)33-2605969
Westville Campus
Private Bag X54001
Telephone +27(0)31-2608066 Facsimile +27(0)31-2607780
The School was formed in 2008 and is an association of the Disciplines of Biochemistry, Genetics & Microbiology. Each of these Disciplines have their own websites at: www.Biochemistry.ukzn.ac.za, www.Genetics.ukzn.ac.za and www.micro.unp.ac.za/home.asp
Research in the School is both diverse and interdisciplinary, and is broadly based into three main areas: Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cell Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Genetics and Microbiology.
Our laboratories possess `state of the art' facilities for protein and DNA sequencing, in vitro cell culture, molecular biology, proteomics, and many others. These facilities are supported by a modern research library, networked computers that enable access to proteins and nucleic acid data banks as well as state of the art electron microscopy & photographic units.
The School plans to continue its activities in major areas/disciplines, but in each one, maintains a number of focal sub-areas as outlined below:
Microbiology :
Computational genetics – links with molecular systematics and population/quantitative genetics; Molecular visualization
Science Education:
With regards to students, we research the difficulties, sources, and remediation strategies, especially in areas where knowledge is incomplete or absent. The focusing of such research is assisted by classifying the difficulties, strategies and sources according to how much knowledge we have of them.