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Modern biochemistry evolved from the need to apply chemical techniques to solve biological questions. Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry, but now covers such a wide range of subjects that it is difficult to draw a neat border around biochemistry,
Much of modern biochemistry uses the latest equipment such as the MALDI - TOF which has been created using the latest technology that has a basis in modern physics and chemistry.
Biochemistry is the foundation of pathology, pharmacology, physiology, genetics, zoology, in fact most biological sciences.
The essential feature is that biochemistry uses molecular methods to explain biological processes, while other biological scientists study the integrated function of organs, organisms, and the complexes of organisms represented by ecosystems
We at the Department of Biochemistry (UKZN) have a long tradition of excellence in basic research that has led to important practical advances. A modern department, with emphases in cellular regulation, molecular genetics, protein structure, hormone action, virology, and developmental biology, has been built on this strong historical foundation